Azure AD will be rename to Microsoft Entra ID

Hue Truong

Microsoft has announced that Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) will be rebranded as Microsoft Entra ID. This change is part of their effort to simplify secure access experiences. The transition will not affect the functionality or configurations of Azure AD, and no action is required from users. The new name will start appearing in Microsoft product experiences in August 2023. Users can continue using Azure AD capabilities through the familiar portals and admin centers. All licensing plans and pricing remain the same, with only display names changing. The transition is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. The decision to rebrand Azure AD as Microsoft Entra ID aligns with Microsoft’s vision for a unified portfolio of identity and access products under the Microsoft Entra name. Users are encouraged to spread the word about the name change and implement it in their own experiences by following the naming guidance provided by Microsoft Learn.

Example of name change

Below is an example of the name change by the year’s end.

Azure AD FreeMicrosoft Entra ID Free
Azure AD Premium P1Microsoft Entra ID P1
Azure AD Premium P2Microsoft Entra ID P2
Azure AD External IdentitiesMicrosoft Entra External ID
Azure AD ConnectMicrosoft Entra Connect
Azure AD Premium P1 and P2 offers are becoming Microsoft Entra ID P1 and P2, also included in Microsoft 365 E3 and E5.


  • Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) is being rebranded as Microsoft Entra ID.
  • The name change will not affect the configurations, integrations, or capabilities of Azure AD.
  • The transition to the new name will be seamless and no action is required from users.
  • The name change is part of Microsoft’s effort to simplify and unify the access experiences across its products and services.
  • The renaming will be completed by the end of 2023.
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Hue Truong

IT Professional, Systems Engineer, and Cloud Administrator. Passionate about exploring the latest technologies and solving complex problems.

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