DiveInto Certificate of Completion

Dive Into Ansible - Beginner to Expert in Ansible - DevOps

This comprehensive Ansible course is designed to transform you into a proficient Ansible expert. The course provides a strong foundation by starting with first principles, ensuring you understand the basics of Ansible before diving into more complex topics. This approach guarantees a solid understanding and helps you build a strong skill set. You will master the Ansible Command Line Interface (CLI) and explore the importance of inventories. This knowledge enables you to manage and organize your infrastructure efficiently. You will also delve into Ansible modules, which are the building blocks for automation. By understanding these modules, you can create custom solutions tailored to your specific needs. One of the most powerful aspects of Ansible is its playbooks. Our course will provide you with extensive training to master these playbooks, allowing you to design and implement automation in a scalable and reusable manner. You will also learn advanced topics such as roles, vault, includes, and imports, further enhancing your Ansible expertise. We'll then explore Ansible with a Deep Dive where we'll learn how to create Ansible Modules and Plugins, how to optimise Ansible workflows for performance uses and how to use Ansible with AWS and Docker! This course is also provided with a full Ansible lab giving you instant access to an Ansible Control Host and Six Linux targets of both CentOS and Ubuntu, to harness your learning knowledge!

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7 hours 30 minutes
34 videos

Skills covered

Effective use of Ansible Configuration Files
Creation and utilization of Ansible Inventories
Automation through Ansible Facts and gathered information
Understanding and application of Ansible Modules
Creation and implementation of Ansible Playbooks
Structuring Ansible playbooks using Includes, Roles, and Tags
Integration of Ansible with cloud services, containers, AWS, and Docker
Dynamic Inventories: creation and usage
Ansible Plugins: creation and usage
Ansible Modules: creation and usage
Utilizing Ansible Variables and Magic Variables
Secure information management with Ansible Vault
Advanced Topics: Built-In Modules, Parallel Looping, Conditionals, Task Delegation
Troubleshooting techniques in Ansible
Validation, testing, and best practices with Ansible
Automation templating using Jinja2

Certifying organizations

Certificate Of Completion For Dive Into Ansible Beginner To Expert In Ansible Devops